Assessment visits:
Assessment/fact finding visits can vary in length and greatly influence the direction/duration training takes, looking at health, home set ups and many other relevant factors. A standatd fee of £60 is charged for these initial visits.
Standard Training:
Prices will be set with Client after initial Assessment(fee £60). Price dependent on criteria/duration of training required and as such is not fixed.
- Reactivity -5 sessions minimum, with homwork tasks to practice and video call or phone support to help with any issues. PRICES FROM £375..
- Seperation Anxiety - I offer an initial package of 6 sessions on this with Owners understanding that true Seperation Anxiety is an emotional issue and CANNOT be given a timeline and therefore will increase as needs. Full support via video call or phone. PRICES FROM £425.
- Puppy packages- These are 1-1 with you starting before you bring your new puppy home, looking at home adjustments, breeds, needs, breeders, grooming needs etc then weekly visits to help with settling in and then training. PRICES FROM £350.
- Resource Guarding - 5 session package initially to get good start. This may vary less or more dependant on individual cases but to work safely and within dogs emotional limits. FROM £375